So There Have Been Some Changes…

Recently I made the choice I no longer wanted to really strong opiate that I had been taking for almost six years and so a week before this months appointment with my pain doctor I detoxed myself. I researched things I could do to make it a little easier which really did help more than I thought it would. The first two days were the worst and some of the symptoms of withdrawl are sneezing fits sneezing really hard up five or six times in a row so in comes Benadryl which really helped, then there is diarrhea which for me was one of the very worst so I bought Imodium and that medicine is so awesome, severe leg pain this was also one of the worst so I used Tylenol Arthritis which kept it from being totally unbearable, and profuse sweating which a fan helps to keep cool.

My doctor was very understanding about me wanting off the strong opiate I told him I felt it was making my quality of life worse instead of better, my mind was always in a fog and that I had stopped doing a lot of the things I love because I just couldn’t concentrate on anything, and I just came to hate how it makes me feel. He was impressed I detoxed myself in a week, but I told him I don’t a strong addictive personality and the only thing I have ever been strong addicted to is nicotine and he told me that is genetic. I no longer smoke, but I do vape which is better than a cigarette any day.

Now I am still on an opiate that will never change because I suffer a lot of pain otherwise that is way to much to deal with. The one he put me on yesterday is a schedule IIII which means it has a very low chance of dependency or addiction in user. Plus I can split it up into six doses in case I have break through pain or I can take two pills three times a day. So far it is working really well much better than I expected.

Friday I go for another neck injection and really hope it works this time since the last three haven’t worked at all. Hopefully this time it is the radio frequency ablation (which burning the nerve or nerves causing the pain.) because it will do the most good. Still waiting for approval from insurance to have the same done to my lower back it has been over a year since I had that done and I can tell it is definitely time again.

That is all for this entry God Bless you all!

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